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Monday, 9 May 2016

Musyi wa Mukamba


TBROZ known for their catchy tunes. They are calling for the government and IEBC to allow twins to vie for a post as a unit. What a brilliant idea. Imagine of a country with presidents as twins or MPs as twins?. This may catalyse the rate of developments..I tell you. I buy the idea since twins culture should also be appreciated and embraced. People claim that the believes and taboos revolving about twins is a gone story but to my opinion it is done secretly nowadays. Some communities doesn't accept twins up-to-date. May it be what it may be but bottom line this is a unique idea and should be supported. TBROZ has declared interest of the MCA post at there rural area code as a unit. "We have seen people suffer to get solutions to even small problems simply because their immediate leaders can't be accessed due to false meetings from January to December....we need someone who is there for a people and youth." Says one of TBROZ. The Twins are men of few words but very sure. I do wish them success if at all the government and IEBC will allow this.... The professionals of KITUI county should be ready for this double blessing.... The county with a government in place should have devoted leaders to their professionals.
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Sunday, 13 March 2016

Musyi wa Mukamba


Majority of Kenyans think the country is heading in the wrong direction, a new opinion poll has shown. This according to Infotrak Managing Director Angela Ambitho while addressing journalists in Nairobi on March 13, 2016 where she said that 53 per cent of Kenyans believe that the Country is headed to the wrong direction.  
The poll released Sunday by research firm Infotrak indicated that 53 per cent of Kenyans were of the opinion that the country is going in the wrong direction, while 44 per cent were of the opposite opinion. Three per cent did not know which direction the country was heading to.
“While the majority still think the country needs to urgently improve, it is important to note that the percentage of those feeling disgruntled with the state of affairs has reduced by nine per cent. 62pc of Kenyans felt the country was headed in the wrong direction in 2015,” said Ms Angela Ambitho, Infotrak CEO.
Ms Ambitho said the level of pessimism has fallen due to lower terror attacks in the country this year as compared to last year and the fact that the President is now seen to be taking tough actions against the corrupt.
“The improvement could be attributed to some of the actions the Jubilee government and President Uhuru Kenyatta have taken to deal with the issues that were driving the negative perception and more particularly corruption,” she said.
When the Infotrak November 2015 poll was conducted, majority of Kenyans felt the government was turning a blind eye to run-away corruption.
“In addition, the fact that various cabinet slots had been unfilled over successive months left people in a state of limbo,” added Ms Ambitho while presenting the poll results to journalists at the research firm’s Nairobi office.
The November 2015 resignation of the embattled former Devolution and Planning Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru, noted Ms Ambitho, seemed to have sent warning signals to Kenyans that the President was finally ready to tackle the bull by its horns.
Those living in the Rift Valley (50 per cent), Central (60 per cent) and North Eastern (51 per cent) regions expressed a high optimism level saying the country was headed in the right direction while only 30 per cent from Nyanza, 38 per cent from Nairobi, Coast and Western and 42 per cent from Eastern regions were of a similar opinion.
The opinion also varied according to party support with the majority of Jubilee supporters (57 per cent) saying the country was headed in the right direction with only 34 per cent of the opposition coalition supporters agreeing with the same opinion.
“More Jubilee supporters think the country is going in the right direction than those who don’t. It’s imperative to note however that more than a third of Jubilee supporters; 38% aren't happy,” said Ms Ambitho.
The poll was conducted between March 6 and 10 with a sample size of 1800 respondents representing the country’s voter population of 19,483,435.
The poll also revealed that the top three issues disturbing Kenyans most were corruption, high cost of living and unemployment.
Thirty two per cent want corruption dealt with while 17 per cent say unemployment remains their biggest issue of concern. Another 12 per cent said they were worried by the high cost of living.
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Saturday, 12 March 2016

Musyi wa Mukamba


 The current statistics shows that the Kitui county governor Dr. Malombe is on his last days of leadership as the governor of Kitui county . Kitui county people believe that mothers LOVE is the best and therefore Hon CHARITY NGILU has a soft spot to clinch this seat and set things to happen to the contentment of the people of Kitui county. There rumours that Kalonzo is not happy about Malombes governorship and therefore he is fully in support of Hon. CHARITY NGILU. Could this be a ploy?  It feels good to see the two Honorable s come together though.

It is evident that Hon Charity Ngilu has a good development record than her counterpart Dr Malombe who has been sitting on the county money and doing shoddy projects that doesn't bear fruits to kitui county people. Hon Charity accused Dr Malombe in a whats app group of employing uneducated family members who are indeed siphoning public money for under performance.

"We need someone who has Kitui county at heart not in their confused brains" says a business tycoon from Kitui county.

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Musyi wa Mukamba


After the foreign trip , Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua came back home and he is a angry man. He point fingers to wiper party leader Kalonzo. This comes out clear in the speech he delivered today in Mwala subcounty. Here is the speech he delivered.
Today, I wish to ask Wiper leader Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka to stop interfering with my Government of Machakos.
For the last three years, we have witnessed endless political squabbles and interference in Machakos organized and perpetuated by Hon. Kalonzo, with the aim of destabilizing my Government in order to slow us down from delivering on my agenda to fight poverty and bring chap chap development to Ukambani.
Divisions in the county assembly and destabilization acts within my Government are orchestrated by Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka either directly or by proxy, using Senator Johnson Muthama and a clique of a few other leaders.
Recently, for example, while I was abroad seeking development opportunities for my people of Machakos, Hon. Kalonzo engineered an attempted coup in the county assembly, to replace leadership allied to me with MCA's opposed to development with the intent of frustrating my work and eventually removing me as Governor.
Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka himself personally called MCA's by phone and even met some of them and urged them to install new leadership in the county assembly and in extension in the county government. He promised them wiper tickets and other goodies if they work against me and my government. He even called some of my members of staff and threatened them, when he realized that his ploy had failed. These members of the county assembly and my staff are ready to tell it all and to reveal the role played by Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka personally to destabilize me and my Government.
Recently at Kyevaluki in Kangundo, Hon. Kalonzo paraded and praised members of the county assembly that he had temporarily installed in Machakos, before the people of Machakos undid his work. His plans have failed and will continue to fail because I am working not for myself but as a servant to bring development to my people.
For a long time, Kenyans have thought it is Senator Johnson Muthama who has been fighting me and my Government. The truth is that it has always been Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, using Muthama and others as proxies. This, we found out a long time ago but have kept quiet out of respect and played the fool for a long time. However, the time has come for us to expose the truth. We cannot condone politics of poverty while our people desire real change and Maendeleo Chap Chap.
When we do speak, Hon. Kalonzo tells me he wants me to succeed and wants us to work together, something he also tells many other people. However, in the background, he is busy conniving with various people and agencies to bring me down.With Kalonzo Musyoka, I have realized, what you see is not necessarily what you get.
In all these, Kenyans need to know that I am being victimized because of my focus on development and the empowerment of our ordinary people as opposed to playing ball in schemes of empty politicking and endless strategizing for power for an individual.
Last week, Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka questioned why I was overseas and made disparaging comments about my absence. Unlike many people who travel overseas, I was busy working for my people, looking for opportunities, jobs and investors for Machakos and Our region, so as to roll back poverty.
In the last one year, since January, 2015, I have been reliably informed that Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka has made 45 overseas trips, visiting 13 countries. Some of the trips have been personal family trips but the majority, he has travelled as Wiper leader.
In all these official trips, he has brought back NOTHING: No jobs for our youth, no development projects or anything that will change lives.
In contrast, from my recent trip, like all others, I have come back with goodies for our people:
A). Employment program to provide 2,000 professional jobs to
Machakos youth in the Middle East, starting with an initial 300
by June once paperwork is completed
B). Three fruit and food processing factories
C). Pharmaceutical factory
D). Textile company
E. Ashok Leyland vehicle manufacturing plant
F). Solar (Green Energy) production companies
G). Started conversation on how to access subsidized bitumen for
Tarmac road construction directly from the Middle East
H). Advanced stage on discussion for ready market for Machakos
food products such as green grams, chicken, peas and fruits to
Tanzania, Middle East and Asia especially India.
The time has come for leaders to be judged by what they have done and are doing for their people and not just for themselves. Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka has been in senior Government positions for over 30 years, yet the Ukambani region is still lagging behind in abject poverty, lack of tarmac roads, lack of water, lack of electricity, lack of proper medical care, lack of skill training and higher learning institutions and regrettably lack of food. We have become the laughing stock in Kenya due to our dependence on food relief every so often.
This lagging behind and historical injustices that have been perpetuated by past leadership are what I am working hard day and night to correct as I serve my people. We are now fully engaged in providing water to all regions of Machakos through our ongoing targeted household water programs. So far, we have dug over 250 new boreholes and rehabilitated an additional 100. We have dug dams and constructed river weirs in every location.
The plan is to provide, free and clean water so that our mothers no longer have to go to the river for dirty water.
This is in addition to our ambitious program to upgrade 17 roads in the county to bitumen standards work that has already started on some roads. It should also be remembered that we were the first and probably the only County Government that has tarmacked roads with our historical Makutano Ma Mwala to Kithimani Road that we built in 3 months. We have also tarmacked all roads within Athi River Township.
Leaders need to be accountable to voters and should only be supported based on what they have done for their people and not just mere patronage and sloganeering that only helps to maintain poverty.
I request Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka to publicly declare his development score card for the region.
I am willing to work with all leaders, including Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, for the unity and development of our region and the country but I will not accept machinations meant to derail God's work under Maendeleo Chap Chap. INAWEZEKANA na ITAWEZEKANA.
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Musyi wa Mukamba


Meet  Obbie Mike from Kitui county currently based in Mombasa county.You would not believe his
story,after he declines that he is not a Nigerian and officially decides to put His home county on the gospel map. He released His hit single Maishani that flew to Kenyan gospel TV shows and Radios.

 After several interviews on undisclosed sources he says,
"Music has always been my drive, no one encouraged me when i was young,i was on my own world left with myself and my self drive.Being
a close friend to Christ has been my Happiness,i would tell His goodness through challenges i  have had.Through friends who came and left,through my work experiences,and generally in life.

MAISHANI  video highlights  my whole life testimony and  I would want every one to understand to be superstar in Christ; you don't need public stands, you don't need to tell whether your
parents left you or not, you don't need to cry all over Tvs but stand out with facts and cling to God  and everything will definitely be put into place."
Those just few comments Obbie mike puts across. He also puts it clear to all that the new release KAMA SIO WEWE, is bigger because he serves a big God.
 "I wanna do big things," He emphasizes, "I am in a race to win, despite of where i come from, I got faith, i got works on it and that is my goal. He shows in his face truly, its not easy, especially to get through the Kenyan industry when you in true ministry, I am proud that am doing what i love, and  getting to see my friends smile makes me smile more, and of course you need more smiles to leave much longer''
After several stage follow ups  in coast county,we find that has done a massive work in the Gospel Industry and he is working hard to get more flat forms in Nairobi and other places in Kenya. He promises to come back home to the place he calls K.He is energetic for real,humble, and a talent to watch out.

Here is a video link of his song Maishani

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Friday, 11 March 2016

Musyi wa Mukamba


William Kabogo has said he has evidence that his political rival Ferdinand Waititu (Kabete MP) does not have a valid university degree.
The Kiambu Governor said Waititu is therefore unqualified to vie for his post in the August 2017 general election.
The Governor is seeking orders barring Waititu from holding any public office on grounds that he has breached the Leadership and Integrity Act.
“He does not possess any valid university degree or any degree from a recognised university," Kabogo said after filing an application at the High Court on Friday.
He added: "There is no evidence that he went through a process of learning and examination to earn the degree he purports to possess."

Though lawyer Issa Mansur, he said he has reasonable grounds to prove Waititu is unfit for public office.
Waititu said in 2013 that he has valid academic qualifications, from Punjab University in India, that make him eligible to run for Nairobi Governor.
The Member of Parliament said he attended Dagoreti High school and studied commerce in India.
He also presented certificates bearing the name 'Clifford Ndung’u Waititu'. These included his 1981 Kenya Certificate of Education, a leaving certificate from Siri Guru College in India and his degree certificate.
But Kabogo, who noted he also studied at Punjab University, said he was surprised to learn Waititu went to the same school “having been admitted in unclear and opaque circumstances"
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Musyi wa Mukamba


Kenyans should prepare for a countrywide blackout, KPLC has said.
The electricity firm has filed a case saying the Nairobi government's demand for Sh605 million will hurt operations.
On February 18, the county government demanded the cash, saying it had accrued rates arrears from 2002.
The amount was to be paid by February 29.
The Kenya Power and Lighting Company wants the county ordered not to charge it for electricity poles or way leaves.
It wants all costs borne by the national government.
In documents filed in court, KPLC said there is a real risk the county government could barricade its premises and impound its vehicles again.
“Due to the county government's past notorious behaviors and the fact that the demand notice has expired, there is imminent danger of disruption of an even greater magnitude,” it said through its lawyer Gad Ouma.
KPLC says that if this happens, it will impede supply of electricity to its 4.2 million customers.
“In the recent past the county government has resorted to barricading our offices with garbage trucks to enforce payment. This includes the October 12, 2015 incident when the county employed this barbaric method resulting to a halt of all the operations for a whole day at our head office which is vital to its nationwide operations,” KPLC said.
The county government enjoys a significantly lower tariff rate for street and public lighting.
KPLC charges it only Sh4.36 per unit of electricity instead of the usual Sh11.61.
Keep it here for more news....
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Musyi wa Mukamba


"I have seen the statement issued by Mr Kiala, Deputy Governor,Machakos county, purporting to order me to report back to office. I wish to state categorically that in my service to then Government and the people of Machakos County I am and have always been an appointee of the Governor, Dr Alfred Mutua, and him alone. I serve at his pleasure and I know that Mr Kiala has no power in law or otherwise to issue the orders he has purported to issue.

I do not want to be a pawn in Mr Kiala's power games. I am a senior lawyer with my own livelihood and I would not wish to be dragged into desperate power schemes. Mr Kiala leave me alone please."

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Musyi wa Mukamba


Former First Lady Mama Lucy Kibaki and wife to retired President Mwai Kibaki has apparently been admitted at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Nairobi Hospital, reports The Star.
The paper reports that Lucy was admitted on the night of Thursday, March 10, after falling ill at her home in Muthaiga, Nairobi.
The former First Lady is said to have been rushed to the Gertrude Children’s Hospital before being transferred to the Nairobi Hospital where she was immediately transferred to the ICU for special treatment.
“It is true that the wife of the former president is here. In fact, she has been taken to the ICU,” the paper quotes a source at Nairobi Hospital.
It is believed Lucy had difficulty in breathing at the time she fell sick.
The latest comes amid rumours that the former First Lady has been battling illness and that is why she has been out of the limelight for a long time.
In 2014, questions about her whereabouts lingered in the air with some saying she was too sick to appear in public.
But Lucy is known to be introverted, choosing to keep a low profile despite being a First Lady when her husband, Mwai Kibaki, was president for 10 years.
The last time she was really in the public limelight was in 2010 during the promulgation of the new constitution.

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Musyi wa Mukamba


It looks like there is a battle of wits in the coastal region of Kenya. This comes barely a day after claims emerged that Mombasa county Governors security detail had been withdrawn. Now fresh claims indicate that Mvita Mps security has also been withdrawn. Mvita member of parliament Hon. Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir posted in his Facebook account.

"This morning my only bodyguard has been withdrawn. I wish to remind them ive never owned a gun so im surprised to be asked to return the same. This is nothing but sheer intimidation by the government after the Malindi by election. No amount of suppression shall allow us to shy away from saying the truth. Corruption that has grown roots in this government shall be fought whether by us or anyone else. The truth never gets hidden by chest thumping." 

This is now raising eyebrows in the coast region with many eager to know who is behind this.

Keep it here for more news....
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Thursday, 10 March 2016

Musyi wa Mukamba


– While the move is bound to raise eyebrows among his supporters due to his stand against the ruling regime, Mombasa Police boss explained that the move was not in bad taste
– This comes barely a week after ODM won the hotly contested Malindi by-election against JAP
Coast Regional Commandant Francis Wanjohi has said that police officer attached to Governor Hassan Joho have been taken for training amid claims the government has withdrawn them.
Reports indicate that his five bodyguards were withdrawn and the outspoken governor apparently stormed the Wanjohi’s office demanding an explanation to the move.
This comes barely a month after the government cracked down on businesses associated with eh Mombasa governor’s family.
Kenya Revenue Authority attribute the move to tax evasion and an influx of illegal goods in the country which were traced to Container Freight Stations associated with the governor’s family.
Hassan Joho has in the recent past been vocal against the Jubilee government, something his supporters attributed to the crackdown on the Container Freight Stations.
“I am aware this is part of a wider strategy by Jubilee administration to frustrate me because of my political stand,” said Joho in a statement.
He went on to say that as an elected leader, he is entitle to security yet at no point did the process to withdraw his security involve him.
The withdrawal of security also comes under a week after ODM triumphed over JAP in the hotly contested Malindi by-election.
Hassan Joho has also been at loggerheads with his deputy over claims she is working with the government ahead of the 2017 General Election.
In fact Coast Regional Coordinator Nelson Marwa had to step into the row and ordered police to provide the deputy governor with security after she received threats to her life.
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Musyi wa Mukamba


– Mzalendo forum has released the best and worst performing MPs and Senators in the National Assembly for the year 2015
The performance is based on an MPs contribution to debates in the house and the worst performers are tose who never contribute to any debate
– Contribution to debates is only recognised when recorded in the official National Assembly hansard released after every sitting
Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko and nominated Senator Hosea Ochwango have been ranked as the worst performing in the Senate, meaning they had the least or negligible contribution to debates in the house.

A total of 27 MPs did not contribute to any plenary debate in Parliament with five among them having never given their maiden speech.
The five who have never contributed in Parliamentary debate and thus ranked the worst are:
Alex Kosgei- Emgwen Member of Parliament

Kipruto Moi- Rongai Member of Parliament
Oscar Sudi- Kapsaret Member of Parliament
Gonzi Rai- Kinango Member of Parliament

Tirus Ngahu- Kangema Member of Parliament
“Although the number of speech counts in plenary discussions is not indicative of the quality of input, it could allude to low capacity to exercise their parliamentarian roles,” said  Jessica Musila, the Mzalendo Trust Executive Director as quoted by Daily Nation.
Kiminini MP Chris Wamalwa and  and Naomi Shaban were named the best performing MPs based on their contribution to debates.

In the Senate, Makueni Senetor Mutula Kilonzo junior and nominated Senator Fatuma Dullo were rated the best performers.
According to Mzalendo, its surprising how a politician can afford to remain silent in the house yet Kenyans are faced with so many challenges which their representatives are supposed to help resolve.
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Musyi wa Mukamba


The expired food were distributed to residents at Mathuki dispensary in Mwingi central constituency last Friday.
But residents refused to take the food home after realizing it was expired.
The labels on the sacks indicated the food was to expire on December 1 last year.
When contacted, Ruto declined to comment on the matter.
Resident Mutava Musee said the relief food was delivered to Mwingi Cereals and Produce Board depot in June last year.
He said they cannot tell why the government officers would wait till the food expires to distribute it to residents.
Musee said the area was hit by famine at the time the food was delivered, but it was not delivered to them.
He said now there is no need for relief food, except only for the poor and elderly.
“We have plenty of food in our stores and are still harvesting. How can we be given expired relief food? This is shame," Musee said.
"I'm glad only a few old people had accepted the relief, but when they realised it was expired they returned it.”
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Musyi wa Mukamba


The Nzambani rock in Kitui County that is now at the centre of a land ownership dispute pitting the local community and Mr Kyale Mwendwa's family.  PHOTO | JENNIFER MUIRURI | NATION MEDIA GROUP
Kitui County Assembly Member for Nzambani Ward Robinson Mutwii Mativo was Wednesday arraigned in court and charged with assault and destruction of property.
Before Chief Magistrate Maryanne Murage, the MCA was, in the first count, accused of assaulting Mr Nzuki Kimanzi, injuring him in the process.
In the second count, Mr Mativo was charged jointly with others not before the court of wilfully and unlawfully vandalising property of Mr Mumo Mwendwa valued at Sh20,000.
The accused reportedly committed the offences at Nzambani Rock Development site in Nzambani Sub-county, Kitui County, on September 2, 2015 at around midday.
Mr Mativo denied the charges and was released on a cash bail of Sh10,000.
The case will be heard on July 6.
Speaking to journalists after leaving the court, Mr Mativo said he was innocent and was confident the judicial process will be fair to him.
“I am sure this is a political witchhunt meant to bar me from voicing the interests of my constituents. I believe the court will establish the truth and clear my name so that I can continue serving my people without undue interference,” said the ward rep.
A section of opposition MCA led by Kitui County Assembly Minority Leader Alex Nganga pledged to stand by the accused ward rep during his trial.
Nzambani MCA Mutwii Mativo (right) with Kitui County Assembly Minority Leader Alex Nganga address the media on March 9, 2016. Mr Mativo was charged with assault and vandalism committed at the Nzambani rock site on September 2, 2015. PHOTO | THOMAS WAITA | NATION MEDIA GROUP
Nzambani MCA Mutwii Mativo (right) with Kitui County Assembly Minority Leader Alex Nganga address the media on March 9, 2016. Mr Mativo was charged with assault and vandalism committed at the Nzambani rock site on September 2, 2015. PHOTO | THOMAS WAITA | NATION MEDIA GROUP
The family of Kyale Mwendwa, the proprietor of Nzambani Rock Development Company Limited, and the local community have been mired in an ownership dispute over the Nzambani rock site.
The defunct Kitui County Council leased the site of the rock to Mr Mwendwa’s company in 2004 for 99 years.
The private developer is said to have been granted the lease after making commitment to develop the land and initiate projects that would aid in marketing the area as a major tourist attraction site.
The accused MCA had on February 11, 2015 tabled a motion to pushing the revocation of the company’s lease before the Kitui County Assembly. The motion was passed but it has not been implemented.
In the motion, the developer was accused of failing to construct ten cottages at the site, establish a reliable water supply and install electricity in a bid to attract tourism revenue meant for funding local development projects.
Mr Mativo’s motion indicated that the developer infringed on the lease agreement after failing to pay annual Sh10,000 land rates between 2007 and 2012.
On September 2 last year, local residents assembled at the foot of the rock threatening to invoke the wrath of God upon the developer if the lease was not revoked and ownership transferred to the community.
“We are going to perform traditional rituals to summon our deities to help us reclaim the 'community-owned’ physical feature as well as punish those involved in 'grabbing’ our rock,” threatened Mr Joseph Ndava, a local elder during the protest.
Mr Ndava said the community were the rightful owners of the historical site and were tired of the “sluggish” legal process undertaken by the county government to repossess the rock from the private developer.
Contacted for comment by Nation, the private developer Mr Mumo Mwendwa said the community had no grounds to claim the rock was “snatched” from them since it was legally leased to his family by the local authority.
“My family has not wronged Nzambani locals in any way and there is no need for them to feel aggrieved and resort to curse threats,” Mr Mwendwa said.
Mr Mwendwa said that his family purchased three plots at the base of the rock in 1999 before acquiring the lease for the rock in 2004
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Musyi wa Mukamba


FROM: OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY GOVERNOR, MACHAKOS COUNTY - BERNARD KIALA RE: VALUE TO TAXPAYERS AND EFFICIENCY IN MACHAKOS COUNTY GOVERNMENT The people of Machakos County elected us to be good custodians of devolution and their devolved funds. We cannot afford wasteful expenditure of any single Shilling belonging to the Mwananchi. Corruption in our county must also be fought with sincerity and unwavering resolve. This will put us back on course to truly emancipating Machakos people from bad governance and economic disenfranchisement. We are empowered by DEVOLUTION! On 22nd October 2015, The Governor sent County Executive Committee (CEC) Members Mr. Larry Wambua and Mr. Francis Maliti on a three month compulsory leave for reasons he did not disclose. Whereas It is over four months later, investigations have not been initiated on any wrong doing by these officers. They have not been reinstated either. It is wasteful that these two officials are barred from performing their duties despite earning full salaries and other allowances from the public coffers. Its also unethical that they are still enjoying the privilege of a government car,fully fuelled and serviced by the county. For this reason, by the powers the constitution has bestowed upon me, in the absence of the Governor, I hereby instruct Mr. Wambua and Mr. Maliti to resume duty IMMEDIATELY as CEC Members in charge County Public Service, Labour & ICT and, Water & irrigation respectively. Members of the CEC and County Officers work with directions from the Governor and the Deputy Governor for fulfilment of Machakos people's aspirations. Gross misconduct and insubordination by such senior county officials in the absence of the Governor are not tolerable. For these reasons, I hereby suspend Mr. George Kioko Luka (CEC Member for Decentralised Units, County Administration and Energy who has also been acting as CEC Member for Water and Irrigation), and Mr. Joshua Musili (CEC Member for Transport, Roads, Public Works and Housing) for gross insubordination as is evidenced in a letter they wrote to me barring me from inspecting county government projects. I also hereby suspend Mr. Nimrod Mbai (Chief Officer for Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries) for gross misconduct and interference with activities of the County Assembly. The above suspension of Messrs. Luka, Musili, and Mbai take effect IMMEDIATELY. They should await further investigation on their conduct and further action. I direct the Acting County Secretary to oversee a smooth handover. Meanwhile I urge all other officers in the County Executive to reflect on the efficiency and effectiveness of their service to Machakos people who fund all our Government activities. The Mwananchi in Machakos must benefit fully from their Shs 10.94 billion 2015/16 budget. I also call upon the County Assembly through the Speaker and the new Leader of Majority to support my ongoing efforts of eradicating corruption and its propagators from our Government. In order to truly emancipate our people, we must GET RID OF THE LORDS OF CORRUPTION from the Machakos County Government! ### I can be reached through email, or on twitter @BernardKiala
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Musyi wa Mukamba


They were replaced by Isaac Muinde (Ekalakala) and Dominic Maitha (Muthwani), respectively.
They also elected Felix Ngui (Katangi ward) as Cord affairs chairman in the assembly and Kyalo Kyuli as secretary general.
Twenty-two out of the 32 Cord MCAs voted for the change in leadership.
Speaker Bernard Mung’ata said Standing Order 15 allows a member to be removed by a majority vote of members in the largest party or coalition of parties.
The announcement was met with applause from MCAs and from the public gallery, which was packed.
The expelled leaders kept away from the assembly though Mwonga could be seen outside the chambers making frantic phone calls.
Addressing the media outside the assembly, the MCAs said they removed the two leaders to tame their “arrogance and pride”.
Ikombe MCA Nathaniel Nganga, who is also the deputy speaker, said Mwonga used his position to serve his personal interests instead of residents’ interests.
“These two have shown poor and selfish leadership and that’s why we kicked them out so we can bring in focused leaders who can drive the agenda of the assembly and the public without compromise,” he said.
The removal of Mwonga, however, is seen by political observers as a big political blow to Governor Alfred Mutua.
Mwonga has been a close ally of the governor and a staunch supporter of the Maendeleo Chap Chap Movement.
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Musyi wa Mukamba


STRESSED: Juliana Mwikali with her son Simon Mwalimu yesterday at her Mwingi home.
This has caused him to develop 19-year-old Simon Mwalimu develop mental problems.
Mwalimu has been to several hospitals in Mwingi, Thika and Nairobi’s Kenyatta National Hospital.
A mental checkup has not been done because his parents do not have the Sh20,000 needed for the examination at KNH.
Doctors say Mwalimu’s condition can only be improved if a mental checkup is done.
Mwalimu is taken to KNH every Friday and hismother Juliana Mwikali spends Sh7,000.
It has been two weeks since Mwalimu visited the clinic as Mwikali does not have money.
Mwikali yesterday said the Sh150,000 she borrowed last year to buy Mwalimu drugs and take him for checkups has run out.
She said she and her husband Reuben have sold their land and will have to sell household goods to pay for Mwalimu’s treatment.
“My husband earns little,” Mwikali said
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Musyi wa Mukamba


Makueni MPs Kisoi Munyao and Richard Makenga have demanded the arrest of Governor Kivutha Kibwana over the burning down of the county assembly.
They pointed out the governor's assertion that he had prior information on the imminent arson and had told the Speaker about it in December.
"He has information that no other Kenyan has," said Mr Munyao at a press conference at Parliament.
Mr Makenga said the statements made by leaders from the county should not be taken lightly and should be followed up by criminal investigators.
"The governor is the custodian of public interest in the county and when he says he told the Speaker about it, it is an abdication of his job because he should have contacted the security agencies to prevent the arson," said Mr Makenga.
The governor had last year offered to resign after differences between him and the county assembly escalated to the shooting of several people.
An attempt spurred by the public to dissolve the county government was rejected by President Uhuru Kenyatta
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Musyi wa Mukamba


Ulau wa Mike Sonko nuendeie na kwiyumilya athi mathikoni ma Bakari Tsuma ula unai bodyguard wake.

Senator uu wa Nairobi county niuvathie kisio cha muunda wake ula wi Syokimau, na anenga ndiwa ya musikali usu. Sonko anekie uu yila unaendie mathikoni ma musikali usu kuya Matuga, Kwale county.
Constable Bakari Tsuma anaathiwe ni mang'endile aendete nyumba kwake amina kumutwa senetor sonko nyumba kwake. 

Senator niwiyumisye kuatiia na  kwona kana syana sya Tsuma ovamwe na sister wake, nisyaendeea na masomo na kumina sukulu. 
Sonko numuthiie Tsuma na kwasya:
" Anai  officer unendete wia wake na umwe unai muikiiku muno. nuneekaa duties syake na utuika munene muno. Anai muume wa Regina Wabosha na Lilian Mwaura," 
Senator niuivie bill ya sivitali ila inatiiwe ni mututia kuya The Nairobi Hospital.
Ninenda kumumaasya nesa na ndaia kwa kuungamia ngarama ya mathiko ovamwe na kuiva bill yake ya sivitali ya  Ksh 1.3 million kuya Nairobi Hosipital. Niniinie fees wa mbaka class 8 na Form 4 wa syana syonthe ila inamutengemeaa. sister wake Mwanajuma Joto ula wi form 3 Waa girls secondary school,  mwiitu wake Fatuma Joto, ula wi Class 7 st. Joseph's boarding school, Chuka, na mwanae ula wi Kasarani Academy,"  Mike Sonko nuwetie.

Kuhusu security,  senator numukulilye inspector wa police, Joseph Boinett asisye muno ivindani yii usakuani munene wa 2017 uthengeie. 
Senetor usu niwetie kana Amaitha ma kisiasa niuvangiana mothuku nikenda maolange competition ivindani ya usakuani wa 2017.
Constable Bakari Tsuma Joto anaathiwe ni mikola utuka wa Saturday, March 5 aendete nyumba kwake. anai anamina kumuvikya Senetor Sonko kwake nyumba, Runda na anaendete kwake kuthumua.
Mikola isu ila inai na AK47, inamuathie mutweni na kusemba na ivuti yake. Tsuma nunatutiie kuatiania na mauumisye e kuya ICU, Nairobi Hospital. Nunathikiwe  Monday, March 5 musyi kwake kuya Matuga, Kwale county.
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Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Musyi wa Mukamba


Court munene wa Kenya niwamanenga wikwatyo ala manai  cabinet secretaries (CSs) Charity Ngilu and Michael Kamau iulu wa makoani moo ala makonetye ulusani ala matumie asu mavutwa wiani.

Court usu nuvitukisye kana maminister asu nimasikatitwe kuvitukana na miao. niwaisye kana nzama ya kusiia ulusani Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) ndinainzeuvye kuatiania na miao ivindani yila maskatiwe. 

Mayumya utuo usu, asili ma court usu nimaisye kana EACC ndinai na commissioner meaniie yila meeie Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) amavingue ikoani maminister asu eli.

Asili asu ala mei atatu nimatulile muti  musumbi wa kenya Uhuru Kenyata itina wa kunenga nzama ya EACC mithenya 60 imine ukunikili, masya itambya yu niyivitukanite na miao.

Court usu wiumasya utuo iulu wa petition ila inasiiaa kusitakwa kwa Ngilu na Kamua itina wamo kwasya kana makoani asu moo maiatiee miao nesa.

Ngilu na Kamau nimasikatiwe mwaka muvitu itina wa musumbi Uhuru Kenyatta kunengana masyitwa 175 mbungeni ma andu makonanitwe na ulusani silikalini.

Ngilu niwasitakiiwe kusiia ukunikili wa muunda wa sh. 8 billion kuya karen, vala nake Kamau asitakiiwe kulea kuatiia mutalatala ula waile kunengane tender ya lelu.

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Musyi wa Mukamba


Andu atano nimakwata mauumisye kuya kwale itina wa mbanga ya lelu. kiko kii kyeekika itana wa Tuk tuk ila yiimakuite yavingilita kauta, itina wa ndeleva wayo kukimwa na nzuuma ni musikali wa traffic.
Asikali aa meaikaa operation ya leluni lelu wa kuma ukunda kuthi msambweni masuspectie ndeleva usu eendaa kusemba ndakekwe inspection, na umwe woo amukima na nzuuma yake.

Umwe wa ala meikuitwe ni tuk tuk isu aikusiaa asya kana musikali usu akimie tuk tuk isu vala ivalukile na kuvingilita mala kauta.
Ala meikuitwe ni tuk tuk isu ovamwe na ndeleva wayo nimakwata mauumisye maingi ma mutwe, moko na mauu itina wa mbanga ino. nimasembwa sivitali nini ya Kinondo ni asamilia aseo ala mokie itina wa asikali kusemba na kumatia meoka.

Kiko kii nikyathatya ene nthi ma kisio kyu ala makulya silikali ikwate asikali asu na kumosea itambya ya miao. Nimalalamika mayasya kana asikali nimakee kutumia vinya kuvita kiasi mwingi kwika operations syoo.
Governor wa Kwale Salim Mvurya niwatula muti kiko kyu na asya kana nukuatiia muvaka one kana uwo niweekika. 

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