Saturday, 12 March 2016

Musyi wa Mukamba


After the foreign trip , Machakos Governor Dr. Alfred Mutua came back home and he is a angry man. He point fingers to wiper party leader Kalonzo. This comes out clear in the speech he delivered today in Mwala subcounty. Here is the speech he delivered.
Today, I wish to ask Wiper leader Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka to stop interfering with my Government of Machakos.
For the last three years, we have witnessed endless political squabbles and interference in Machakos organized and perpetuated by Hon. Kalonzo, with the aim of destabilizing my Government in order to slow us down from delivering on my agenda to fight poverty and bring chap chap development to Ukambani.
Divisions in the county assembly and destabilization acts within my Government are orchestrated by Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka either directly or by proxy, using Senator Johnson Muthama and a clique of a few other leaders.
Recently, for example, while I was abroad seeking development opportunities for my people of Machakos, Hon. Kalonzo engineered an attempted coup in the county assembly, to replace leadership allied to me with MCA's opposed to development with the intent of frustrating my work and eventually removing me as Governor.
Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka himself personally called MCA's by phone and even met some of them and urged them to install new leadership in the county assembly and in extension in the county government. He promised them wiper tickets and other goodies if they work against me and my government. He even called some of my members of staff and threatened them, when he realized that his ploy had failed. These members of the county assembly and my staff are ready to tell it all and to reveal the role played by Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka personally to destabilize me and my Government.
Recently at Kyevaluki in Kangundo, Hon. Kalonzo paraded and praised members of the county assembly that he had temporarily installed in Machakos, before the people of Machakos undid his work. His plans have failed and will continue to fail because I am working not for myself but as a servant to bring development to my people.
For a long time, Kenyans have thought it is Senator Johnson Muthama who has been fighting me and my Government. The truth is that it has always been Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, using Muthama and others as proxies. This, we found out a long time ago but have kept quiet out of respect and played the fool for a long time. However, the time has come for us to expose the truth. We cannot condone politics of poverty while our people desire real change and Maendeleo Chap Chap.
When we do speak, Hon. Kalonzo tells me he wants me to succeed and wants us to work together, something he also tells many other people. However, in the background, he is busy conniving with various people and agencies to bring me down.With Kalonzo Musyoka, I have realized, what you see is not necessarily what you get.
In all these, Kenyans need to know that I am being victimized because of my focus on development and the empowerment of our ordinary people as opposed to playing ball in schemes of empty politicking and endless strategizing for power for an individual.
Last week, Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka questioned why I was overseas and made disparaging comments about my absence. Unlike many people who travel overseas, I was busy working for my people, looking for opportunities, jobs and investors for Machakos and Our region, so as to roll back poverty.
In the last one year, since January, 2015, I have been reliably informed that Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka has made 45 overseas trips, visiting 13 countries. Some of the trips have been personal family trips but the majority, he has travelled as Wiper leader.
In all these official trips, he has brought back NOTHING: No jobs for our youth, no development projects or anything that will change lives.
In contrast, from my recent trip, like all others, I have come back with goodies for our people:
A). Employment program to provide 2,000 professional jobs to
Machakos youth in the Middle East, starting with an initial 300
by June once paperwork is completed
B). Three fruit and food processing factories
C). Pharmaceutical factory
D). Textile company
E. Ashok Leyland vehicle manufacturing plant
F). Solar (Green Energy) production companies
G). Started conversation on how to access subsidized bitumen for
Tarmac road construction directly from the Middle East
H). Advanced stage on discussion for ready market for Machakos
food products such as green grams, chicken, peas and fruits to
Tanzania, Middle East and Asia especially India.
The time has come for leaders to be judged by what they have done and are doing for their people and not just for themselves. Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka has been in senior Government positions for over 30 years, yet the Ukambani region is still lagging behind in abject poverty, lack of tarmac roads, lack of water, lack of electricity, lack of proper medical care, lack of skill training and higher learning institutions and regrettably lack of food. We have become the laughing stock in Kenya due to our dependence on food relief every so often.
This lagging behind and historical injustices that have been perpetuated by past leadership are what I am working hard day and night to correct as I serve my people. We are now fully engaged in providing water to all regions of Machakos through our ongoing targeted household water programs. So far, we have dug over 250 new boreholes and rehabilitated an additional 100. We have dug dams and constructed river weirs in every location.
The plan is to provide, free and clean water so that our mothers no longer have to go to the river for dirty water.
This is in addition to our ambitious program to upgrade 17 roads in the county to bitumen standards work that has already started on some roads. It should also be remembered that we were the first and probably the only County Government that has tarmacked roads with our historical Makutano Ma Mwala to Kithimani Road that we built in 3 months. We have also tarmacked all roads within Athi River Township.
Leaders need to be accountable to voters and should only be supported based on what they have done for their people and not just mere patronage and sloganeering that only helps to maintain poverty.
I request Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka to publicly declare his development score card for the region.
I am willing to work with all leaders, including Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, for the unity and development of our region and the country but I will not accept machinations meant to derail God's work under Maendeleo Chap Chap. INAWEZEKANA na ITAWEZEKANA.

Musyi wa Mukamba

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